Archived Help Wiki
This extension is enabled by default on Wikia.

The CharInsert extension allows admins to place character insertion tools into MediaWiki:Edittools, which is displayed below the Save buttons.

See Wikipedia:MediaWiki:Edittools for an example of how this can be used to add often-used text, and special characters which might otherwise be difficult to type into the edit box.

Why isn't it working on my wiki?[]

If you don't see this feature it is likely because an admin has not chosen to display this on your wiki.

Special characters must be added to MediaWiki:Edittools and they must be inside <charinsert></charinsert> tags.

Do "charinsert" tags have to go into MediaWiki:Edittools?[]

CharInsert tools can be added in other places, but it is recommended that you do not add them above the save button since it makes it harder for new users to find out how to save the page. For the same reason, you should keep the list of characters as short as possible. This also avoids cluttering the edit window.
